The Online Corpus of the GRE
ORI Project
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Modern Translations - French
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Text Selection
Anonymous - Anonymous Account of a Turkish Siege of Constantinople
Anonymous - Cave of Treasures
Anonymous - Chronicle of the year 811
Anonymous - Inscription of the Regent Constantine of Papeṙōn
Anonymous - Narratio De Rebus Armeniae (French transl. from Greek by J.-P. Mahé)
Anonymous - Story of Mār Abba, Martyrdom of Mār Grigor, Martyrdom of Mār Yazd-panāh
Anonymous - Story of Zosimus about the Rechabites
Anonymous - Syriac Pharmacopeia
Anonymous - The acts of Mār Māri
Anonymοus - Geography of the Indian World
CAB 001 - Nicephoros Gregoras
CAB 009 - Georgios Gemistos Plethon
CAB 010 - Pseudo-Messahalla
CAB_suppl. - Anonymous - Byzantine Cosmological Treatise (from ms. Harleianus 5624)
CAB_suppl. - Barlaam of Seminara
CAB_suppl. - Peter the Philosopher - Astronomical Treatise
Dadišo Qaṭraya
Ephrem the Syrian
Epiphanius of Cyprus
Gregory Pakourianos (French transl. from Greek by P. Gautier)
Isaac of Nineveh
Jacob of Serugh
John bar Penkaye
John of Dalyatha
Kirakos Gandzaketsi
Maximus Confessor
Philoxenus of Mabbug
Timothy I Nestorian Patriarch
Ḥnanisho‘ from Beth Qoqa
Anonymous - Narratio De Rebus Armeniae (French transl. from Greek by J.-P. Mahé)
Anonymous - Story of Mār Abba, Martyrdom of Mār Grigor, Martyrdom of Mār Yazd-panāh (transl. from Syriac)
Anonymous - Syriac Pharmacopeia (transl. from Syriac)
Anonymous - The acts of Mār Māri (transl. from Syriac)
Anonymous Account of a Turkish Siege of Constantinople (1394-1402) (transl. from Greek)
Ascetical Homilies (transl. from Greek)
Book of the Merchant (transl. from Syriac)
CAB 001 - Calculation of the Solar Eclipse of July 16th, 1330
CAB 009 - Astronomy Handbook
CAB 010 - Treatise on the Astrolabe
CAB_suppl. - Anonymous - Byzantine Cosmological Treatise (from ms. Harleianus 5624)
CAB_suppl. - Peter the Philosopher - Astronomical Treatise
CAB_suppl. - Treatise on the Easter Date
CAB_suppl. - Treatises on Solar Eclipses of 1333 and 1337
Cave of Treasures (transl. from Georgian)
Chronicle of 811 - Anonymous (transl. from Greek)
Commentary on the book of Abba Isaiah (logoi I-XV)
Four Metrical Homilies on Creation
Geography of the Indian World (transl. from Armenian)
History of Armenia
Homilies (transl. from Greek)
Hymni contra Haereses, 1, 2, 22, 23, 24 (transl. from Syriac)
Hymni contra Iulianum (transl. from Syriac)
Hymnus de Ecclesia 1 (transl. from Syriac)
Inscription of the Regent Constantine of Papeṙōn (1241) (transl. from Armenian)
Letter (transl. from Syriac)
Letter to Symeon (transl. from Greek)
Life of the Virgin (transl. from Georgian)
Religious debate with the Caliph Al-Mahdi (French transl. from the Arabic Version A1)
Story of Zosimus about the Rechabites - Georgian version (transl. from Georgian)
Story of Zosimus about the Rechabites - Long Version (transl. from Syriac)
Story of Zosimus about the Rechabites - Short Version (transl. from Syriac)
Story of Zosimus about the Rechabites - Summarized Version (transl. from Syriac)
Treatise on Weights and Measures (transl. from Georgian)
Typikon of Gregory Pakourianos (French transl. from Greek by P. Gautier)
4th cent. AD
5th-6th cent. AD
5th cent. AD
6th cent. AD
6th-7th cent. AD
7th cent. AD
7th-8th cent. AD
8th-9th cent. AD
8th-10th cent. AD
8th cent. AD
9th-10th cent. AD
9th cent. AD
11th cent. AD
12th cent. AD
13th-14th cent. AD
13th cent. AD
14th cent. AD
14th-15th cent. AD
15th cent. AD
Type of transmission
Translated from another language